Friday, February 25, 2005

Take time to throw snow...

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Sometimes you just have to take time to throw snow. Life's too short not to. On my last day in Calgary my fiance` and I got horribly lost (so nothing new there.) We drove around for about an hour and a bit until we eventually pulled into a snow covered park to unfold our map on the hood (bonnet) and figure out where the snot on God's good green earth we were.

Well feeling rather playful I picked up a little snow and let her have it... the world war of snow fights ensued. It's now a memory forever fixed in my neural pathways. Whenever I feel a little down I can now close my eyes... walk down these pathways and find the door labeled fun with my lover.

life's to short. Pick up snow and make a compact hard little ball and throw it at somebody you love today. If you don't have snow, ice cubes will do... although make sure you substitute throwing them with putting a block down the back of your loved ones shirt. Make a memory wherever you are.


Blogger Michael said...

Wow, that was beautiful. I'll get right on it.

11:20 PM

Blogger Michael said...

I can see you found it out yourself. That's wonderful :)

2:23 PM

Blogger Mafia! said...

Awww ... so sweet!!!
I can't wait til God gives me someone special for me to throw snow at :D

4:20 AM


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