Who is Robert Mugabe?
I live in Southern California, but my home is a far trip from pacific shores. I'm from South
Africa a country just below Zimbabwe. The country ruled by a mad man. Robert Mugabe is a man running his country into the ground. He has personal vengenses that he is acting on that have made him unfit to be president (I use that term loosely as he is nothing more than a Dick-tator.) Zimbabwe formerly known as Rhodesia was previously run by the British empire. After leadership was handed over to the people of the land, Bob was elected to the presidency. He hasn't been out of office since then. In the last "elections" he commanded his soldiers
to steal the voting boxes. After receiving some pressure over the issue, he announced that he would allow the votes to be counted, but only by his men...hmmmm, sounds fair. Anyone who now speaks out against the "president" can be instantly imprisoned. He has murdered white farmers in there hundreds and his own people who stand against him. In hell he will be sharing bunks with Hitler and Saddam
Now I find it interesting that no world power (no names mentioned) have not removed this man who has committed so many atrocities against the human race from power. Could it be they have no oil to offer. So come you leaders of the world. Leaders who claim to step into nations to remove their powers for the good of human kind. I could name tons of third world African leaders who make Saddam Hussein look like an Arabic smurf. Take your good intentions and effect countries that have nothing to offer in return. I'm not talking about throwing money at the problem. Most of the time corrupt government prevents those funds from ever getting into the hands that need it. I'm speaking about taking that muscle and using it where it matters. No other motives, no looking for weapons that to this day were never found. I know the people who need to read this will never get the chance... but here's hoping.
"President" Robert Mugabe.